Our church is having it's very first women's retreat at the end of the month. This last couple of weeks we have been preparing for what is going in the goodie bags for each lady that attends. First, I have to say when we orginally started sign ups for the retreat we on the team thought we may have 40 women sign up and every week it started to get bigger and bigger....so as of this last week we have 110 women signed up to attend. That is such an answer to prayer!!! But to tell you the truth I was a little freaked out at preparing goodie bags for 110 women....I stated to think "Lord, how am I going to accomplish this? I bit off more than I can chew". But God in His gentle nudging reminded me You Tammy will not accomplish anything if you don't rely on ME and drop your pride and ask for help. So, I asked a few friend over to help and let me tell you they were all such a blessing to me. Words can not describe how much they helped me and how grateful I am to each of them. We spent a couple of long days at my house working diligently and we finished everything.
Kim and Brian Fultz (yes a man helped), Melissa White, Kelley McElreath and Kristine Pratt you have been my creative angels this last week!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now, here are just a couple items we made this last week. We made 120 of each item.
Domino Necklaces

Here is what 120 of the necklaces look like...LOL.

These are altered composition books the ladies will be using as journals for the retreat. Our theme for the retreat is "unchained" so each journal has the verse Proverbs 107:14 "He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; He snapped their chains".

Here is what 120 journals look like.

These are just a few things going in the goodie bags, I hope each woman is blessed by the suprises waiting for her on the weekend.
Tammy I live my necklace!!! I would live to learn how to make them!!!
I am going to be leading a community group in the summer called creative connections....I will be teaching how to make that neklace...you are welcome to come. Tuesdays at seven pm.
Hi! I don't know if you will get a notification ofnthis or not but I am trying to make these for the women at our church for our getaway! Do you have posted anywhere how you made them or would you be willing to email me directions at jenniferboothtpc@gmail.com. It would be MUCH appreciated :) God Bless!
HI, Do you have instructions on how to make the necklaces and journals? I would love to make them for an up and coming ladies retreat in Washington State. Thank you and God Bless. Patty
I would love to have the instructions for how to make the necklaces for our women's retreat... please email me bowers@fmrealty.com or let me know where the instructions are posted.
Sorry, typed my email wrong, it is:
Could I get how to make the necklaces and notebooks. I'm trying to put together a mini ladies retreat for May.
my email address is dichism@yahoo.com Thanks!
I would also love to have the instructions for our women's retreat. Email is jallen1098@aol.com
Hey, we loved the domino necklace idea and featured it in our roundup that just went live yesterday. Thanks, and feel free to share it! http://christiancamppro.com/25-best-womens-retreat-ideas-use/
I would love to learn how to make the domino necklaces. I am looking for a mission project to give to women in need, and thought this would be a great idea! Email; prippel123@gmail.com
Thank you!
Will you please email the directions for the domino necklace.
Would you please email instructions on how to make the necklaces? Jhueser05@gmail.com. thanks so much!!!!
I too would love to know how to make the Domino necklace. We are doing our annual womens refresh retreat and its getting bigger every year. Please send directions to aleta_bohlmann@yahoo.com. Love the idea!!!
I was just asked to do something special for our ladies retreat, and the decorated composition notebooks would be fantastic. Please email me the directions. tlynnholmes@yahoo.com Thanks, Toni
Hi, can you email me directions for the necklaces and journals or let me know the cost involved for each? We have a women's retreat coming up and I'm interested. My email is pmloves31@yahoo.com.
They are just beautiful!
Thank you and God Bless
I also have a womens retreat coming up and would love to make the necklace and the journals if you could please tell us how that would be amazing!
Thank you - gassalissa@gmail.com
I would like to know how to make the Domino necklaces for a women's retreat. My email address is gddavis7@gmail.com
Hi Tammy,
I would also appreciate the diy instructions, if they are still available.
My addy is exandsup@gmail.com. Thanks kindly!
I would love the diy instructions for the necklaces and the journal of they are still available. We have a retreat coming up in a couple months. Thank you!
Email is thrivinthomas@gmail.com
These notebooks and necklaces would be just the thing we need for a small group (women's church group). I know it's been years since you pinned this but, I'm hoping you'll see this and respond. Please email the directions to me at the address below. If the directions are posted on line somewhere I would be grateful for this info. Thank you in advance for your time. May God bless you for the work you do!
Susie Brewer
Just saw this. Would you be willing to share the bra lace directions? Thank you!
Can you please send me the directions to make these necklaces.
thanks so much
peace and love
Can you please send the directions to make the necklaces? My email is love2runtr83@gmail.com. Thanks in advance!
I am leading a special needs mom retreat the end of June. Do you have blog posts explaining how to make the domino necklaces or journals?
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